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The Unseen Tax: 7 Side Effects of Everyday Smartphone Use

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In the age of generations, smartphones have seamlessly integrated into our daily lives, offering exceptional convenience and connectivity. However, the ubiquitous use of these gadgets is not without results. The 7 Side effects outlined below shed light on the hidden toll that excessive smartphone use can take on our health and well-being.

Digital Eye Strain

The Unseen Tax: 7 Side Effects of Everyday Smartphone Use
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Virtual eye strain is one of the most unusual results of prolonged phone use. Staring at small textual content on displays and scrolling for long periods can cause signs and symptoms such as dry eyes, blurred vision clairvoyance, and complications. According to WebMD, the strain on our eyes immediately results from the constant awareness required when drawn to phone screens.

Patterns of disturbed sleep

The Unseen Tax: 7 Side Effects of Everyday Smartphone Use
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The blue light emitted by smartphone monitors can disrupt the frame's natural sleep-wake cycle, undoubtedly causing insomnia and sleep disorders. The research highlighted through PMC - NCBI shows that using smartphones before bed can harm exceptional and long sleep, highlighting the importance of setting up healthier bedtime routines.

Neck and shoulder pain

Constantly looking down at your phone screen can strain the muscle tissue in your neck and shoulders, a major cause of long-term discomfort and capacity issues. As stated with the help of Good Housekeeping, this position can motivate tightness, cramps and even nerve pain, highlighting the importance of maintaining a neutral posture, even when using smartphones.

Increased stress and anxiety

Excessive smartphone use, particularly among young adults, has been linked to increased stress and anxiety levels. Research by MomJunction shows that increased screen time can make young adults more prone to stress, anxiety and depression, highlighting the need for a balanced approach to digital engagement.

Muscle pain and stiffness

The Unseen Tax: 7 Side Effects of Everyday Smartphone Use
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Prolonged phone use can contribute to muscle pain and stiffness, especially in the arms and hands. As mentioned on Quora, excessive phone use can cause physical pain, underscoring the importance of incorporating daily breaks and sporting events to relieve pressure.

Potential impact on brain activity

Although the long-term effects are nevertheless under research, concerns have been raised about the effect of excessive cell phone use on brain entertainment. UNC Health Talk highlights the need for similar studies on how long-term phone use can affect cognitive abilities and mind development and calls for caution in our digital behaviour.

Social and emotional impact

The Unseen Tax: 7 Side Effects of Everyday Smartphone Use
Image Credit - Freepik

Excessive smartphone use can lead to decreased personal interactions, contributing to a decline in real-world social contact. Psychology Today points out that over-reliance on smartphones for communication can affect emotional well-being, promote feelings of isolation, and highlight the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between digital and real global interactions.


While smartphones undeniably offer numerous benefits, it is important to know and deal with the capacity aspects associated with their daily use. Moderation, daily breaks, and a conscious effort to achieve a healthy balance between screen time and other activities can help mitigate these aspects and promote collective well-being. By being aware of our virtual habits, we can ensure that the convenience of smartphones no longer comes at the cost of our fitness.

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